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Sketch on Canvas

When I was sketching out my painting on the canvas on Tuesday I was getting a bit frustrated because I felt like I kept making the figure...


In my painting 2 class I am going to make this still life painting of my work space from the perspective of the floor (I usually set up...


This week I had my boyfriend sit for me so I could sketch him. He often wakes up in the middle of the night or suddenly stops what he's...

Beauty Is Embarressing

Did you see anything in the film that connected with your art practice, or what you would like your art practice to be? - In the film...

Midterm Critique

Before the midterm critique I think I was more focused on how well done my work was and if I had enough of it. I don't think I was...

Progress(3 photos)

These are some pictures of my progress with the third painting. I spent a few snow days workin gon this but I didnt get a chance to post...

Canvas Sketch Project 3

Just sketched out her and a bit of the sunflowers. The blank spaces to the left and right of her are mostly leaves so ill just paint them...


I sketched out both refrences pictures a bit to see which one I liked better and i think the first picture with bher eyes closed is my...

Artists I've been Interested in

Marcos Beccari (Link: This is the artist I'm most interested in at the moment. I really live...

Reference photos for next painting

These are photos of my cousin taken from when we all went pumpkin picking in the fall. I'm not sure which one I want to paint yet and...

Artist Statement

I originally started making art as a way for me to escape difficult things going on in my life. Anytime I was upset, angry, lonely, I...

Project 2 Finished

Finished this one up this week. Although I liked the blotchiness of it originally I ended up smoothing everything out and touching up a...

Project 1-Finished

Finished this project over the weekend, and I'm happy with how it came out.

Progress 2

Project 1 I am almost done with this first project and my second project. I had originally planned to finish this one before the second...

Response to "Art and Fear" Ch.1&2

What advise from the chapters sticks out to you?- The advise that stuck out to me the most was just to keep making art and make as much...


This is another progress photo of my first project. I'm starting to like it more now and I am planning to finish it today/tomorrow. I...

Paint Progress 1

This is a progress picture of my first project. I'm not crazy about this piece yet but will see how I feel about it as I continue to work...

First Sketch

This is the sketch for my first project for tutorials 1

"The Artists Way" Response

What is the intention of the two processes? - The "morning pages" is the process of getting up every morning and writing three pages of...

Ken Robinson Response

How has your education affected your relationship with creativity? I've found that I always enjoyed making art on my own rather than in...

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