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  • Writer's pictureNicole Nitz


For my midterm project I wanted to recreate the game Simon. For the wiring i hooked up two sets of red and green LED lights. When the Games starts the LED screen on the microbit says the word "Simon" and then the blinking light pattern starts to run on the right set of lights. After the light blinking pattern runs though, the user has to use buttons A and B and recreate the patter on their own using the left set of lights. Each button has to be pressed 4 times and equal a total of 8 button presses. When each button is pressed the LED screen keeps count and shows the Number. I was able to get the coding right in order to make sure that each button was being pressed the correct amount of times. When youi get the pattern correct the words "You Win!" run across the microbit screen, and when you get the pattern wrong and dont press the button the correct amount of time the screen says you lose. The checking system was the hardest part of the code for me. I wasnt able to have the microbit check to make sure the button were being pressed in the correct order, only that the buttons were being pressed the correct amount of times. I am really new to coding and I'm not that great with the computer so I was happy with what I was able to do with the project but would like to improve for next time. Lastly for the case, I made a box out of sculpey clay and cut out spots so the user can see the screen, buttons, and the lights. The case could have been better as well but for the first major project I was happy with it.

This is the link to the code:

In case the link doesn't work her are some photos of the code and wiring:

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